Setting the bar high
Ep.024 Athlete Story PodcastSetting the bar high - Athlete Story ft Marc Hauser - Guiness Record holder first jet stream skydiveMarc Hauser's inspiring journey to draw attention to renewable energy of the jet stream through a record breaking skydive into the jet...
What can having a mentor do for you?
Ep.022 Athlete Story PodcastHaving a mentor to start your new mission in life after sports - Athlete Story ft Pernille Vaaben NielsenAfter retiring from professional handball in Denmark, Pernille Vaaben sought professional mentorship to help her navigate life after...
Land your dream job in sports industry
Ep.021 Athlete Story PodcastHow to land your dream job in the sports industry ft Brian Clapp from workinsports.comBrian says that, when looking for jobs after retiring, athletes tend to focus on what they haven’t got rather than what they have got. He thinks that...
Athlete Personal Branding 2019
Ep.015 Athlete Story PodcastAthlete Personal Branding: How_to Monetize Your Sports Career ft Josh HoffmanShould you spend time or even money building your brand as an athlete – or former athlete? In this episode we’ll be looking at personal branding as an athlete or...