Brainspotting. Psychology for athletes II

Traumas can come from all parts of your life and to different degrees – but in sports we are particularly exposed to trauma from injuries, defeats, humiliations. This is often overlooked in psychology for athletes.

Even if you don’t really consider yourself traumatized, it is worth knowing that any deeply distressing or disturbing experience is a trauma. It is stored in the brain subconsciously with all its connected emotions, leaving you with an imprint that can come back to destabilize you and cause a lot of trouble when you least expect it.

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Solid as a rock – Next up on Athlete Story

I can’t wait to share all the wisdom from my chat with UK Clinical Sport Psychologist of the Year 2017, Phil Johnson.In fact it turned into a whole series of Sports Psychology for Athletes. The first one addresses performance anxiety and blocks to performance. Here’s...

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