The final day of the Successful After Sports Summit is all about exposing you to different career paths where you, as a former athlete, can have a head start and crossover without any formal education.
You’ll get firsthand experience and insider knowledge from different careers such as starting your own online business, how to produce and sell your own product line, working as a performance coach, creating events, and not least working in sports!
Remember that you can still get the All Access Pass.
Here’s a recap on who’s on today’s program:
Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged Learning at is going to be providing you with insider knowledge into how to land your dream job within the sports industry. You will avoid lots of wasted time and energy by following his advice here!
Ever thought about becoming a sports performance coach or wanted to know more about that industry? Then tune into Sarah Milby’s presentation and hear more. Sarah is the Founder & CEO of Valor Performance, an agency with 50% of their coaches being high performance athletes. She’ll be sharing her insider knowledge about performance coaching as a career.
We’ll also look at starting an online business, since he world today is becoming more and more digital. This means that there is massive opportunity for you to potentially start your own online business – whether an online shop or based on your expertise. Well, we have one of the best strategists when it comes to that to give us some insight…
Ryan Lee is the founder of REWIND – the first ever nutritious “super-bar.” He started his first online business in 1999 (!!!) as a personal trainer and has started multiple super successful online businesses over the years – always with the heart in the right place and not trying to be too smart or self serving. That is why I wanted it to be him to come on for this session. He’s going to be sharing his knowledge on how you can do the same.
Then what about creating your own products – like BodyIce for example?
2010 Olympic Gold Medalist in Freestyle Skiing and Founder of BodyIce, Lydia Lassila is going to provide with a deep dive into how she went about creating and producing her own product line – This one is fantastic! You’re not going to want to miss it.
And then we have Thomas Dupont – an events professional and founder of Trailman. I always admired Thomas for being creative and coming up with great events. Thomas is going to be showing you how you can create a business out of putting on events.
As you can see, there is a lot of potential out there for you and today’s experts are going to show you just a fraction of the opportunities available to you.
This is a day you’re not going to want to miss. Click here to check it out.

Remember that if you missed the sessions or you want to watch them again you can
The line-up of DAY 3: